Do you dislike your double chin?
Double chins can stop us looking our best.
Let’s have a quick look at what causes them and then take a look at some double chin removal techniques…
So, what exactly causes a double-chin?
Double chins (also called submental fat) form when fat accumulates below the chin.
They are often associated with weight gain, but this isn’t always the cause. You may notice a genetic element with other members of your family also having the trait.
Another cause is aging. As we grow older our skin becomes looser resulting in a less-defined chin.
There are several treatments available…
Liposuction is an option but you may opt for a less-invasive treatment.
Fat dissolving injections such as Kybella® or Aqualyx® are popular alternatives.
We offer Aqualyx® injections at our London clinic. We have an Aqualyx® specialist who will be able to give you expert advice.
Aqualyx® for double chin
Aqualyx® is a non-invasive treatment which takes less than an hour.
The fat-dissolving solution is directly injected into the double chin. It liquifies and dissolves the fat-cell membranes.
Ultrasound is then used on the surface of the skin to help the liquid move in the treated fat cells, and those nearby. This causes the cells to expand and break, releasing the lipids contained within. These are subsequently destroyed naturally by the lymphatic system within your body.
You can read more about the treatment here.
Fusion CRF
To receive best results we recommend combining Aqualyx® with bio-tec fusion CRF technology. Read more about CRF here.
After the double-chin dissolving injection CRF contours the chin, tightening the skin back up.