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4D Laser Hair Removal London

IPL Laser | ND Yag Laser | Diode Laser | Alexandrite Laser/Candela Gentle Max Pro plus 2025| Soprano Ice |Bio Tec Italia

The Harley Laser Specialists is London’s leading provider of professional and proven laser hair removal treatments within London UK. Call us today to discover how we can help you.

Candela gentle max pro plus 2025

We are Proudly one of the very few laser clinics introducing the £98k  candela gentle max pro plus 2025 machine to our Harley street clinic. The candela is the most advanced laser machine in the world with multiple wavelengths for laser hair removal, vascular and skin rejuvenation treatments.

We are the UKs leading laser hair removal specialists and are able to successfully treat ALL skin types especially dark brown & Black Skin  . Our lasers have an advanced cooling system built in so your treatment is pain-free!

At our London UK Harley Street clinic, we have developed a new protocol on treating our laser hair removal clients. Through the use of Harley Streets bespoke 4D Laser System, Diode / Alexandrite /IPL / Nd: YAG laser we combine our Lasers to ensure that we target the 4 different depths of the skin and hair hence our clients leave with a thorough treatment and have the excellent Hair removal results they want to achieve.

London UK Laser Hair Removal

Through our experience we have found that by combining these two types of lasers our clients have noticed remarkable results, we also successfully treat dark skin types, such as Afro Caribbean skin with our Nd Yag , and medium blonde hair with the use of our Alexandrite Laser.

Hair removal treatments have rapidly grown over many years, amongst many other clinics on Harley Street; we are a particular clinic which originated specialising in  hair removal treatments only and now we Train and accredit new  practitioners/aestheticians.

Many methods are used to remove hair some of the most ordinary are shaving, waxing, threading, plucking and electrolysis, all very time consuming and can result in scarring the skin and offer only short term and temporary results.

Laser hair removal by way of Alexandrite  and Nd:YAG hair removal are methods which will aim to remove unwanted hair permanently.

Female Hair Removal London

Women Laser Hair Removal London

Hair removal became increasingly common during the 20th century for women to remove some or all of their body hair, due to societal values that consider it unattractive and or not feminine, or as a matter of practicing religion or just good hygiene.

Some women, unfortunately, suffer from health conditions e.g. PCOS, thyroid conditions, a hormonal imbalance which often cause excessive hair growth; this excessive facial and body hair can result in concern over your personal appearance.

The Harley Laser Specialists work alongside If referred by your GP with a referral letter from the linked website, we are able to offer a discounted rate for women who are diagnosed with PCOS.

Laser hair removal treatments, such as Alexandrite Laser hair removal, or Yag Hair Removal may be at an initial cost, but if the expense between laser hair removal treatment and temporary hair removal treatments are weighed up you will find that this is a cost-effective method of removing permanently removing unwanted hair.

Male Hair Removal London

Laser Hair Removal

Over recent years males have taken more care in their appearance and presentation, it has led to progression from shaving and waxing to treatments that are more advanced giving results which are permanent. Permanent hair reduction treatments within the united Kingdom are becoming increasingly popular within the realm of the modern man who is seeking non-invasive, fast and effective treatment for reducing hair growth permanently.

Men have hair removal for many reasons; some reasons may be cosmetic whilst others may be for comfort, many men decide to remove hair as it can be difficult to maintain a presentable and neat look. Men may find that hair can be uncomfortable and cause irritation to many different areas of the body, removing hair can lead to more ease leaving the skin feeling smoother and more manageable.

The most common areas that men have treated are the face, neck, ears, shoulders, back, chest, scrotum (mens private hair), buttocks and the full legs. All male Private hair removal treatments are carried out by our highly experienced male practitioners.

Laser Hair Removal (London) Special Offer Prices

Men’s Laser Hair Removal Prices
Full Back Inc Neck Line£99
Mens Private Area Hair Removal
(scrotum) +( Under Arms)  (By Our Male Laser Specialists Londons Only Known Male Private Area Laser Specialists)
Male full body laser£249
Mens Cheeks and Neck£50
Ladies All Skin Types Inc Dark Skins Laser
Full Legs Including Bikini Line Laser£99
Full Bikini Inc Peri Anal & Under Arms£79
Ladies Full Body Laser Offer from£149
Ladies Full Face Laser Offer£59
Full Arms Inc Under Arms£79
Anywhere on your body where you have unwanted hair that’s dark enough to draw the laser on, Laser hair removal is safe and effective even in the sensitive areas with 90% of unwanted hair permanently removed. This is a most excellent value for money considering the cost and time of maintaining silky smooth skin of undesirable body hair can quickly mount up.

Some of the benefits of using laser technology for hair removal are the reduction of ingrown hairs and excessive hair growth (PCOS), having smoother skin leading to less skin irritability, permanent hair reduction meaning no more shaving or waxing. Yaaay!

Why would you want to shave or wax when you have the option to Laser?

Laser hair removal is the best and convenient alternative to the bother of having to regularly shave or wax,  these will cost you more money in the long-term, and the time spent which we all could do more of.

Our bespoke expert treatments are 100% safe, whatever your skin type or colour. And you can expect the same results, amazing looking skin, a huge confidence boost and much higher self-esteem

At The Harley Laser Specialists we are happy to help you with your unwanted hair removal in the following areas;

  • Face, Jaw, Ears
  • Neck, Shoulders, Chest, Nipples, Back Underarms,
  • Arms, Hand, Fingers, Stomach
  • Bikini/Brazillian/Hollywood, Buttocks, Peri-Anal
  • Legs, Feet and Toes

Are you ready to say goodbye to unwanted body hair and hello to the silky and smooth skin you desire, then look no further than The Harley Laser Specialists offering the highest standards of treatment in a clean and safe environment.

If you are considering and wish to deliberately remove body hair then using the latest and safest Laser hair removal technology is just right for you. the human body generally grows hair all over, some are barely noticeable and others fine, and other areas can have prominent, thicker hair. When the thicker hair is in unwanted places or in excessive growth, you can use laser hair removal which is directed towards the elimination or overall reduction of the undesirable body hair.

This is achieved by targeting the hair follicle with laser light, the energy of the laser light breaks down and destroys the hair follicle, which stops the follicle from producing any further unwanted hair growth. By delivering an intense beam of light, the hair follicle absorbs it while leaving unaffected the surrounding tissue.

This process is called selective photothermolysis, this targets the hair pigment which is just another word for Melanin and in turn heats up and destroys the follicle.

It specifically targets the hair and not the skin. Laser hair removal is different from electrolysis, the way electrolysis works are by directing an electric current into each hair follicle which is painful and takes much longer to perform. Lasers are brilliant because they can target a large number of hairs in one go and is not painful.

After treatment, the dead hair rises through the skin and once pushed through the surface it then sheds after a couple of weeks. It will seem that the hair is growing as they are being pushed out by the new skin. You can expect after the second treatment, depending on your hair and skin type the area may start to look patchy and this is because certain hair follicles have stopped producing new hairs.

The skin can become red immediately following treatment, it’s only a few clients who experience itching of the treated area as the hair is being pushed out. This can cause the hair follicles where the surface has been treated to appear raised and bumpy, you can expect this to subside within a few hours but in some cases can take up to 48 hours for some clients.

The amazing laser hair removal technology using laser light targets only the hair that is actively growing, this is called the anagen phase, so multiple treatments are necessary to get all the hair treated because they are not all in simultaneous growth. This is the reason, it requires several sessions to successfully catch all of the hair in the anagen phase.

Our best techniques for reducing facial and body hair is advanced Laser Hair Removal. This procedure is quick, easy and highly effective. We are one of the industry’s leading laser hair removal specialists in London.

Here, at The Harley Laser Specialists, we are committed to only using the latest medical grade lasers, which simply means highly effective results for you.

Our dedicated laser hair removal specialists mean successful hair reduction for any skin type as a result of having many years experience.

This is how it works, the process begins with your initial consultation to discuss the area of treatment and how best to proceed. During the consultation, you will also have a patch test performed in the area of concern you have selected for treatment.

On your first day of treatment, the area that needs to be treated will be cleaned and shaved or you are welcome to do this yourself on the day before your visit. Once the laser is ready for use, the handpiece will be applied to the area of skin to be treated. You may experience a slight tingling sensation on the surface of the skin during treatment based on reports by some of our clients.

Soothing aloe gel will be applied at the end of your treatment and you can usually have your next treatment within six weeks.

Laser hair removal is most effective for areas from underarms, the sensitive bikini area to your legs, and even your face. If your significant other has too much chest hair or embarrassing back hair then Laser hair removal is one of the leading techniques to help with these body concerns.

All our dedicated staff members are highly trained and specialize in treating men and women and both dark and Asian skin types.

You could have long-term hair reduction in just a few sessions, with minimal downtime and highly effective results. Laser hair removal works best on those with dark hair. This is because darker hairs with more pigment will find the laser hair removal procedure most effective because the hair removal laser light traveling through the skin is being attracted to the pigment in the hair follicle.

If you have black to light brown hair then you will typically see the best results because the hair is more pigmented than those with lighter hair. However, any skin or hair colour can see results from this treatment.

Laser hair removal can treat all skin tones,  your Harley Laser Specialist will adjust the laser to suit your hair and skin type. For darker skin types Lasers with longer wavelengths are used because the laser goes deeper and circumvents melanin in the skin which avoids causing burns. Our medically trained team are fully trained in the use of our state of the art equipment

If you want to find out whether your unwanted hair has enough pigment for treatment just schedule an appointment today and one of our therapists will be happy to discuss this in-depth at your consultation.

By having a patch test, it allows us to select the right laser for your skin type, and to recalibrate it exactly to achieve the best results possible for you, whilst ensuring standards of highest safety at all times.

If you have had a tan, or have had a recent reaction to something, it’s extremely important to tell us if your skin is not its usual colour, because this can dramatically affect our ability to give you the best laser hair removal treatment.

When you are looking for laser treatments for hair removal London wide, it’s not exactly a case of one size fits all.  All of us have different natural skin types and tones and we find that some of our clients may have had a tan after a holiday, for instance.

There are areas of the body that are far more sensitive to treatment than others. Equally, varying hair types are also a variable to be considered, even over our own body.

Some hair may be soft and fine depending on the area of the body and in other areas, it can be more thick and coarse.

The number 1 factor when it comes to successful hair removal treatment of this type is to tailor the laser procedure very precisely to the individual.

These are the considerations that we make when tailoring a treatment plan specifically for you so that you can receive a pain-free, relaxed and successful treatment.

A course of laser hair treatment can have long-lasting results, so it is definitely worth the financial investment for looking your absolute best, because you’re worth it!

We are an acclaimed clinic offering bespoke laser hair removal in the heart of  London on Harley Street.

The best recommendation has always been the word of mouth. Just read the testimonials by public figures who have absolutely loved their experience with The Harley Laser Specialists.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is laser hair removal permanent?

Laser hair removal can permanently reduce the hair. However, Hair can come back after a period of time. There are four stages of hair growth Anagen, Catagen, Telogen & Exogen. For the laser session to be most affective the hair should be at the growing stage (Anagen)

What is the best laser for dark skin?

The best laser for Fitzpatrick 1V-V1 skin is the NDGYAG 1064nm due to the wavelength being much longer than other lasers. This laser only targets the hair and is not attracted to the skins pigment.

Can you have laser on blonde or grey hair?

Unfortunately grey or blonde hair does not have much pigment to attract the laser. Therefor the laser will not be the best option for removal. We recommend waxing or using an epilator for temporary removal.

What are the side effects of laser hair removal?

Redness /sensitivity/slight irritation are all completely normal side effects which will last up to 48 hours. We recommend to use alovera gel to calm the skin after a laser session.

How many sessions do I need?

Between 8-10 sessions of laser hair removal is recommended with top up sessions every couple of months for maintenance. We combine our lasers with the use of or 3D laser system so you will require top ups much less using our system.

Can I tan with laser hair removal?

No, Laser is attracted to pigment if you are tanned your skin is more prone to blistering, burns and irritation. If you have had a hot holiday you must wait a minimum of 6 weeks before a laser treatment. Same goes for if you want to have a laser session just before your hot holiday you must wait a few weeks before you can go away.

Is IPL the same as laser?

IPL (intense pulse light) has the same affects as laser however laser is direct and IPL has different wave lengths. Because IPL has different wave lengths it can be used for many superficial skin treatments such as Rosacea and fine lines/wrinkles and can improve overall skin texture.

Does laser cause burns?

Burns are not common however If laser is not carried out by a professional, issues can arise. If you have more pigment in you skin there is a higher risk of burns. Our staff are trained to treat all skin types successfully.

Does laser hair removal cause pigmentation?

Laser does not cause longer term pigmentation changes, straight after the treatment the skin may look slightly darker and more irritated which is completely normal and will settled own within 48 hours.

When do you see the results after a laser hair removal session?

Results can been seen from just one session the first thing our customers notice is after the first session the hair takes much longer to grow back after the 2nd and 3rd session the hair is not as course and then eventually the hair will just not grow back by the 8th to 10th session.

Is laser hair removal painful?

Laser hair removal is not painful our lasers have a cooling system in which cools the skin, we also have a cooling gel that can be applied to the skin during your treatment. You will feel a slight warmth and a tingling sensation. Lasers have developed dramatically over the years. 10-15 years ago lasers could only be used for skin type 1-3and was known for being extremely painful.

Is laser hair removal expensive?

Laser hair removal is pricier than waxing however we see laser as an investment as this is a permanent solution. Having waxing every week can add up to £1000s a year. We have many different packages offers our most current offer for full-body laser hair removal is £199 per session

Does laser hair removal remove ingrown hairs?

Yes, Laser hair removal is the most effective way to get rid of ingrown hairs. As the laser targets the root of the issue.

How does laser hair removal work?

The laser emits a light which is then absorbed by the pigment in the hair follicle. Then heats and destroys derma papilla (root)

Are there areas you cannot remove with laser?

Almost anywhere can be treated with laser hair removal laser works best on terminal hair. laser is not recommended for vellus hair (thin fussy hair with not much pigment)

What is the minimum age for laser hair removal?

The minimum age for laser hair removal is 14 however we only accept customers over the age of 18 due to the hormonal changes in the body that commonly happens between the age of 14-18 so for the best results and most effective results we will only treat age 18.

What are the different types of laser on the market?

The are many different lasers and brands of machines on the market we used the XLASE medical grade machine which can treat skin and vascular lesions and laser hair removal. We used the following lasers. NDYAG, DIODE, ALEXANDRITE, IPL

Still not sure about our  Laser Hair Removal Treatment? Read the rest of our Laser hair Removal Frequently Asked Questions.

Laser Hair Removal
From £40 per session

multiple packages & options
are available upon request

Book Appointment

    Our Opening Hours

    Mon - Thurs 11:00am - 8:30pm

    Fri - Sat 09:00am - 6:30pm

    Sunday - CLOSED

    Our Location

    1-7 Harley Street London, W1G 9QD

    Treatment Procedure

    Step 1: You will be seen by a London laser consultant for a consultation (We assess your medical history; customise treatment according to skin and hair type, as well as carrying out a physical observation and to select the appropriate laser for your skin and needs  ie: Alexandrite Laser, Ndyag laser, Diode Laser, Ipl Laser, Candela Laser, Soprano Ice Laser ).

    Step 2: Test patch (To observe any adverse reactions).

    Step 3: First laser treatment, cooling gel or cooling air  is applied on the treatment area.

    Step 4: Crystal waveguide is applied over the skin and pulses of light are given, or beams of laser light  is emitted.

    Step 5: Once the whole laser hair removal treatment area is covered with the pulse light, the gel is removed.

    Step 6:  Laser  After-care advice is given to ensure treatment is fully successful.

    Were so confident in our results we give away free under arm laser hair removal for you to see the results for your self before you commit Next Available dates for free of charge laser treatments  for the under arm are 01/03/2024 – 01/04/2024 – 01/05/2024