Laser Hair Removal London

Laser Hair Removal London

Laser Hair Removal London

Laser Hair Removal London

The Harley Laser Specialists are known to be the laser hair removal London specialists on Harley Street for the following reasons.

  • One of the first clinics to offer 70% discount to patients who suffer from excess facial hair due to PCOS conditions,  these discounts relate only to Laser hair removal
  • One of the first Clinics to successfully treat afro Caribbean skin types for laser hair removal and successfully treating the hairs
  • One of the very few laser clinics to combine laser hair removal treatments with two different types of laser Ie: Yag Laser and Intense pulse light laser

The Harley Laser Specialists is one of the first laser clinics on Harley street who actually helped design a laser machine and are now a uk distributor of the well known branded laser machine along with being one of London’s largest training academy for laser hair removal.

  • The Harley Laser Specialists are known to also successfully treat medium blonde hair,
  • One of the first clinics on Harley Street to treat Nail fungal with the laser on Harley street
  • One of the very few laser clinics to offer a specialists male laser practitioner for men’s laser hair removal