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Vitamin D3 Injection

We provide 100k IU vitamin D3 injections from our clinic on Harley Street, London.

Vitamin D injections are a quick and easy way to raise your vitamin D levels, which can offer a great boost for your health. Chronic health conditions can be improved, gut problems eased, and you can feel less run-down and fatigued.

  • As with all vitamins, vitamin D is essential for your health
  • Vitamin D plays a part in regulating the calcium and phosphate in your body, which are needed to keep your bones and teeth healthy

In the West, it is common that we don’t make enough vitamin D for our needs. Vitamin D is obtained from our diet or produced in the skin from exposure to sunlight, but due to the weather conditions, it is estimated that a fifth of the UK population is deficient in vitamin D.

In the darker months between October and March, The Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) advises supplementation of 10 mcg of vitamin D every day. It is suggested that those with darker skin supplement with vitamin D throughout the entire year.

Oral ingestion of vitamin D can take several weeks or months to have a significant impact as it is processed inefficiently in the gut. Intramuscular vitamin D injections reach the bloodstream without such processing and are, therefore, much more effective.

Symptoms of vitamin D Deficiency

As with all vitamins, vitamin D is essential for your health. Deficiency in vitamin D can increase the chance of health problems, including diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, and even depression. If you suffer from fatigue, low mood, low energy, eczema, hair loss, muscle weakness, impaired cognition, or a general feeling of being unwell, you may need to boost your vitamin D levels.

There can be a lack of obvious symptoms in some people, as vitamin D deficiency can lead to range of minor ailments. However, major indicators include bone issues such as deformities (rickets or osteomalacia) or severe pain in areas such as the back, pelvis, thighs, feet, and hips. This is because Vitamin D plays a part in regulating the calcium and phosphate in your body, which are required to keep your bones and teeth healthy.

How do we get vitamin D?

Vitamin D can be found in certain food sources, but the absorption can be limited, and our diet alone may not deliver a high enough level of the nutrient.

From sun: The sun is the most significant source of vitamin D. The skin produces vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) when exposed to UVB radiation from sunlight. Just 10-15 minutes of sun exposure 2-3 times a week is enough to produce sufficient vitamin D levels in most people. However, sunscreen with SPF 30 can reduce vitamin D production by up to 95%. During the winter months in the UK, UVB exposure is limited with or without sunscreen.

From food: Some foods are fortified with vitamin D, such as milk, orange juice, and cereals. Fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines, herring, and mackerel are good sources of vitamin D, and egg yolks also contain small amounts of vitamin D. However, animals need sunlight to produce vitamin D, which means intensive farming practices can limit the availability of good quality food sources.

Vitamin D is fat-soluble, which means that it is easier to absorb when deliver in a form that includes fat. Full-fat products fortified with vitamin D are more easily absorbed than low-fat products.

If you are vegan or vegetarian, animal-based products are off-limits, and you can find it tricky to get enough vitamin D in your diet, which means supplementing your intake is crucial.

What causes a Vitamin D deficiency?

Many of our patients have chronic health issues, such as celiac disease or Crohn’s disease, which cause issues with the absorption of vitamins. Liver disorders may also have an effect on the availability of vitamin D as the nutrient is stored in the liver, which can lead to problems in converting it to the active form of vitamin D.

There are a few other reasons why someone might be deficient in vitamin D:

  • Obesity
  • They don’t spend enough time outdoors, including those who are bed bound
  • They always wear sunscreen when outdoors which interferes with vitamin D production
  • They have a darker skin tone, which limits the skin’s ability to produce vitamin D from sunlight exposure. People with darker skin tones may only produce a sixth of the amount of vitamin D from sun exposure than those with lighter skins
  • Age plays a factor – absorption often decreases as you get older, which is significant in those over 60

So, how does taking vitamin D help?

Vitamin D helps to maintain bone density (preventing osteoporosis) and bone health by aiding the absorption of calcium and phosphate in the body. The vitamin supports the immune system and regulates the activity of over 200 different genes.

Vitamin D also works to reduce inflammation, protect and support the heart and brain, modulate cell growth, and may relieve arthritis symptoms. It is possible it also protects your body from respiratory infections.


1 Session£79
6 Session£282
Combination of 1 vitamin C Injection & 6 session of Biotin£400
Vitamin B12 Shot
Course of 6 session£210
Vitamin C
Once every 8 weeks£179
Vitamin D3
Once every 6 months£130

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    Our Opening Hours

    Mon - Thurs 11:00am - 8:30pm

    Fri - Sat 09:00am - 6:30pm

    Sunday - CLOSED

    Our Location

    1-7 Harley Street London, W1G 9QD


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