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Freeze Lipo (Cryolipolysis) London

The Harley Laser Specialists provides the latest technology in banishing fat and cellulite from stubborn areas. A machine designed to freeze fat and cellulite cells which are then drained away by your body’s natural lymphatic system.

What is Freeze Lipo Cryolipolysis?

Nice lipo is the latest technology in banishing fat and cellulite from stubborn areas. A machine designed to freeze fat and cellulite cells which are then drained away by your body’s natural lymphatic system. Many methods which are invasive usually result in unwanted side effects such as bruising, risk of infection, swelling, painful blistering, numbness.

Our non invasive method is free of many of the side effects which invasive methods will resolve in with little/no down time; this treatment proves excellent for those clients who want great effective results without the bed rest.

Nice lipo technically known as Cyrolipolysis works by exposing the fat cells to cooling so that this created fat cell apoptosis. This is a natural controlled cell denaturing, which leads to the release of protein cells which help to transfer the fat and gradually eliminate them.

The protein cells increasingly continue to process these fat cells over a course of up to 12 weeks and through this due course are sent to the lymphatic system to be eliminated from the body.

We can treat various areas on the body, including upper arms, abdomen, flanks, thighs, hips, and the back.

One treatment is usually enough to get a great long lasting result and on average will result in a 20-30% decrease in adipose tissue.

Results can take between 4-12 weeks to fully show through, in this time you may find that your skin will slowly start to show results and shape into a more desirable silhouette.

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Freeze Lipo
From £99 (Expires December 2023)

multiple packages & options
are available upon request

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    Mon - Thurs 11:00am - 8:30pm

    Fri - Sat 09:00am - 6:30pm

    Sunday - CLOSED

    Our Location

    1-7 Harley Street London, W1G 9QD